Ethernet to Digital Interfaces

All of ICS's Ethernet Digital Interfaces are user configurable and let you transfer data as bits, bytes, as strings of bytes or transparently. All data lines are high power TTL outputs or floating inputs with pullup resistors for sensing CMOS signals or switch contacts. All interfaces conform to the IEEE-488.2 Standard, are VXI-11 compatible and support the Raw Socket protocol.

Photo- 8063 Ethernet to Digital Interface

ICS Model 8063

Ethernet to Digital Interface

Provides 48 high-power TTL digital I/O lines that can be assigned as inputs or outputs.

Features, Data Sheet and Order

Photo- 8063 OEM Board

ICS Model 8063 OEM Board

Ethernet to Digital Interface

Provides 48 high-power TTL digital I/O lines. Operates on 9-32 Vdc.

Features, Data Sheet and Order

Photo- 8003 Ethernet to digital interface board

ICS Model 8003

Ethernet to Digital Interface Board

Provides 40 high-power TTL digital I/O lines. Optional Relay Driver Card drives 24-40 relays.

Features, Data Sheet and Order

Photo- 8013 Ethernet to digital interface board

ICS Model 8013

Ethernet to Digital Interface Board

Provides 128 high-power TTL digital I/O lines. Optional Relay Driver Cards drive 64 or 128 relays.

Features, Data Sheet and Order

>Ethernet Digital Interface Selection Guide